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S is for Sheepdog: Sue Main/ Hard cover

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Gwyn Jones has trained, worked and competed with sheepdogs at the highest level for over 50 years. He is a man who analyses and delves into the dog's mind to gain a deeper insight into how to utilize their natural abilities, and to translate it into the best method of working to achieve the ultimate result. His 'Rhythm and Flow' method of working a dog has brought him great success over the years. Gwyn's methods of training go back to the methods used back when dogs served an "apprenticeship', a time when they learnt how to handle stock. With work came the calm dog with its adrenaline channeled into its abilities. This book is a record of Gwyn's life with the dogs and his opinions on his methods of training. He has won the Supreme International, Welsh Nationals and also appeared in the series One Man & His dog. Some examples of the "nuggets of gold" shared by Gwyn with in this "Working a dog should be like a Wheel within a Wheel; Poetry in Motion.''; "Flow is a blend of balance, distance, rhythm, pace and clean flanks"; ''Freedom makes a dog stronger''; ''A dog needs confidence to learn to use the power it has and the guidance to use it correctly''; ''Pressure motivates, but it is the release of that pressure that teaches''; Sue Main "I am in awe of his quiet manner and his ability to nurture and mold a dog and its abilities to work like 'Poetry in Motion'" - Author Sue Main